SharePoint PnP Provisioning Service: Request to provision "SharePoint Starter Kit" template failed

A quick note about provisioning the SharePoint Starter Kit solution using the SharePoint PnP Provisioning Service.

SharePoint Starter Kit

During the privisioning of the SharePoint Starter Kit you may receive an email from the provisioning service with the following text:

Unfortunately, your request to provision "SharePoint Starter Kit" template failed.
Here is the exception that occurred:

In my case the problem was that I didn’t add my tenant admin account as Term Store Administrator in the Taxonomy Term Store. So the part of the exception stack trace mentioned the term store:

(ClientRuntimeContext clientContext, Int32 retryCount, Int32 delay, String userAgent)
at OfficeDevPnP.Core.Framework.Provisioning.ObjectHandlers.Utilities.TermGroupHelper.ProcessGroup
(ClientContext context, TaxonomySession session, TermStore termStore, TermGroup modelTermGroup,
    TermGroup siteCollectionTermGroup, TokenParser parser, PnPMonitoredScope scope)

After I’ve added the admin account to Term Store Administrators, the problem was gone and everything worked like a charm.

This requirement is actually specified among others in the Prerequisites section of the provisioning tempate. But it is easy to miss as other templates do not require this kind of permissions.

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